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The Last Will and Testament
of the Branch Davidians

"I thought I was going to die that day. I thought I was going to get blown away... Put in that situation where you've got women and children screaming, 'Oh God, please help us, save us, do something! They're shooting at us!' ... You do anything, pick up anything you can, if your life is threatened, to defend yourself."
--Branch Davidian Kevin Whitecliff, before being sentenced to forty years in prison.

Throughout the seige and in the months that followed, the Branch Davidians were demonized by the government and their mass-media parrots as being cultists, sex offenders and paramilitary wackos. The Branch Davidians were never allowed to tell their side of the story... until now.

What follows is a verbatim transcript of a videotape filmed inside Mt. Carmel approximately ten days after the February 28 raid. The tape was smuggled out of Mt. Carmel before the fire, and for many of the Branch Davidians, this was their last will and testament. Almost everyone on the tape died on April 19.

This videotape offers a rare glimpse at life inside the Mt. Carmel Center during the seige. We see that regardless of their unorthodox religious beliefs, they were human beings, people who loved their families and worried about their children and worried about the future, just like everyone else in the world. Their words are haunting, compelling. Listen to their side of the story, and make up your own mind about what really transpired outside Waco, Texas, just a few short years ago.

Judy Schneider Koresh & Mayannah Schneider
Nicole & Danny Gent
Lorraine Sylvia
Kathy Schroeder
Yvette Fagan
Rose & Melissa Morrison
The Henry Family
Four Davidian Children
Margarita Vaega
Teresa Noriega
Forcita Rivera Sonobe
Doris Fagan
Annetta Richards
Ofelia Santoyo
Derek Lovelock
Lisa Farris
Scott Sonobe
Epilogue: Kathy Schroeder
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