"I came here freely.
I came...as I pleased,
and I've decided to
stay as I please."
Evette Fagan

Steve: And what might your name be?

Evette: My name is Evette.

Steve: Evette. And Evette, where are you from?

Evette: England.

Steve: England. As with everyone else we've been asking this same question, what brings you over to Waco, Texas?

Evette: Long story.

Steve: Long story.

Evette: I was enrolled in college in England. A guy by the name of Steve Schneider came over to England. He was giving some Bible studies. My husband went to the studies without my knowing, with my aunt, and they found out what was going on. When my husband finished studying, he came over to the States without me, as I was pregnant at the time. Possibly a year later I came to the States to see what was going on. Then I got the truth, too. I accepted the truth, what was being taught, which basically was how to put the prophecies of the Bible together, showing things that the Adventist Church never showed you anymore. I was in there for ten years, I was seeking truth that nothing could tell me. We were going to college to be ministers, and ministers' wives, yet we had nothing to teach the people.

Steve: How far did your husband advance in the college as to degrees?

Evette: Well, as far as the world is concerned, he advanced. As far as God is concerned, he stayed where he was when he entered the Church.

Steve: I was told he had a Master's degree?

Evette: Oh, yeah. He's got a Master's degree in Theology.

Steve: Did he also become a minister for that denomination?

Evette: Sure did. But they didn't want to know what he had to say. As soon as he started teaching the truth of the Bible, which they claim to believe ... basically they kicked him out.

Steve: Evette, do you want to leave here? And are you also being forced against your will to stay here? Keeping you from leaving?

Evette: Hey, listen. I came here freely. I'm a free agent. I came by myself, I paid my own way, I came ... as I pleased, and I've decided to stay as I please. My family know where I am. They know I'm independent. I never do anything they want anyway. Basically, all I've said to them is, look, I'm old enough to take care of myself, as long as you're [inaudible], that's all I need.

Steve: Okay. And what about your children? Where are they right now?

Evette: My children are out there.

Steve: Where? Wherever.

Evette: Out there in the world. Because of Sunday, the 28th, two days after my son's fourth birthday.

Steve: Do you miss your children?

Evette: Well, I'm a mother. I miss my kids. I love them very much. They've been my life for six years.

Steve: They were nice enough to videotape some of the children, did you get to see yours?

Evette: Yeah, and [inaudible] hair was cut. They did not have permission to cut him, I was furious when I saw him. And Renee looked sad. I know she wasn't happy because in the picture, she was forcing a smile. Also, the treatment of the age of the children on the video was very bad. They were given things that they didn't normally eat, that makes them very hyperactive. They were eating whatever they wanted when they wanted. They were stuck in front of the television. As far as I was concerned, there was no constructive supervision of the children. And the other thing was ... well, basically, I was just upset about seeing the kids. I didn't want them out there in the first place. I sent them out there because I thought that they were in God's hands ... because of the way those people came in here and shot up my bedroom and everything else with three children in my room. So I sent them out there for safety. But basically, they would have been better off here. Even if we die here, they would have been safer than being in the hands of [inaudible].

Steve: Okay. Is there anything else you want to say to friends? Family?

Evette: I just want to say to my family, hey, you know me, I do my own thing. Even if I die, you know I love you very much. And I'm not going to die in vain, as long as you believe in what I believe in.

Steve: Okay, is that it?

Evette: That's it.

Steve: Thank you, Evette.

[Break in tape; continues with Evette.]

Evette: I just wanted to remind the children about a story of Daniel and his three friends in Babylon, Shadrach, Mesach, Abednego. Okay, kids, remember what happened. Those guys were taken into Babylon against their will. They didn't eat at the king's table, they didn't touch the king's wine. They ate what they knew God wanted them to eat. And God gave them the blessing. God worked through those three children. And so, remember God can work through you, too. You're out there for a purpose, kids. Don't forget Revelation 4 or 5 whatever you do. Okay?

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