"[Melissa] doesn't
want to leave here,
she wants to leave
the country."
Rose & Melissa Morrison

[Tape starts abruptly.]

Steve: ...with us. And what might your names be?

Rose: Rose.

Steve: And you're?

Melissa: Melissa.

Steve: Melissa. And Rose, Melissa, you two seem to be the two controversial persons that the agency wanted to know about, because they believed that you, Melissa, wanted to leave, and you were being kept against your will. Maybe we should get into that first. So Rose, Melissa, what was that all about the other night?

Rose: Well, Dick, the FBI or the ATF agent, phoned here, and he wanted a child's name, and he was [unintelligible] speaking to Melissa. And Melissa told him that she'd leave on the condition ... and, you know, he was speaking to her, and he was talking to her and told her to tell me that I'm unfair, that she wanted to go, that she wants to play with her friends, you know ...

Steve: I can hardly hear you. I hope that it comes across on the camera. So anyway, let's ask the question to Melissa, Melissa, do you want to leave here?

Melissa: No.

Steve: You don't? Are you sure? [Melissa nods.] Did you tell Dick on the phone, though, that you would leave if they allowed a Robert Gonzales -- do you remember that name, Robert Gonzales? They asked you if David could talk to him, then they asked if you would leave then, and what did you say?

Melissa: Yeah.

Steve: What about now? Do you want to leave now?

Melissa: No.

Steve: Are you sure?

Melissa: Yeah.

Steve: Is anyone -- is your mom holding you against your will right now?

Melissa: No.

Steve: Are you sure?

Melissa: Yeah.

Steve: You're positive that you want to stay here?

Melissa: Yeah.

Steve: I don't know what else to say or how to ask it, but if you wanted to leave, we would let you leave. Do you believe that's true?

Melissa: Yeah.

Steve: Okay. What do you have to say about that, Rose?

Rose: Well, it's partly true. She told me earlier that she doesn't want to leave, she doesn't want to leave here, but she wants to leave the country.

Steve: Okay, well, I can understand that. Especially in relation to what happened here recently. So why did you come here again in the first place, Rose?

Rose: Well, it's a long story, I'll try to be brief.

Steve: Okay, as brief as possible.

Rose: A couple of years ago, then, well, I was raised religiously, and it didn't seem that religion had much to offer, not when you read the Bible. And a friend of mine came to my home and said that [unintelligible] and showed me these things in the Bible, particularly the last days, and the prophecies [unintelligible]. And I thought, well, I'll listen anyway. And so, since that day I've been here. And I've not been disappointed from what I've heard.

Steve: Okay. Do you want to leave, yourself?

Rose: No.

Steve: Are you being held against your will?

Rose: Of course not.

Steve: Of course not. Okay. So the reason you stayed, then, is ... is there some reason that you're staying here, even for the very reason that there could be harm to your own person and to your daughter? Why would you even chance something like that?

Rose: Well, there's [inaudible]. The reason why I stay here is like before, that I saw a connection with the prophecies, things have happened here in the book. There's no reason to leave ...

Steve: Why haven't you walked out already? What are you waiting for?

[Break in tape. Continues with Rose.]

Rose: Okay, the person who showed these things said wait, but also we can see that the events that have taken place, these are from the book and have been shown already. So I don't want to leave right now.

Steve: And we also today have another group with us, but I guess it doesn't appear that they're all here, so we'll just wait a moment, just a second.

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