"I have decided
to stay, I don't
want to go."
Ofelia Santoyo

[Tape begins abruptly.]

Ofelia: Ofelia Santoyo.

Steve: And Ofelia, what brings you here to Waco, Texas?

Ofelia: Well, I heard about this man who was teaching the Seven Seals, and I was always looking for the truth that the church didn't have.

Steve: And so you have found that he has been able to open up much to you?

Ofelia: Yes.

Steve: It has been said that you're being held against your will, that you are not able to leave. Do you desire to leave, are you being held against your will?

Ofelia: I have decided to stay, I don't want to go.

Steve: So you're not being held against your will here?

Ofelia: No.

Steve: You also mentioned to me a little earlier that you wanted to say something to your son, who is not here. And what might that be?

Ofelia: Well, yes, I wanted to tell my son that I got his message and not to worry, because these things had to happen. Remember that I taught you that prophecies had to be fulfilled, and the time has come.

Steve: Okay. Is there anything else you might want to say to anyone else?

Ofelia: Also to my family in Mexico, they don't have to worry about me because they know that these prophecies have to be fulfilled. And I want to send my love to them and also my mother, and I want them to read Nahum ...

Steve: The Book of Nahum?

Ofelia: Yeah, the Book of Nahum, and Habakkuk, Psalms 45, Isaiah 45.

Steve: Okay. Thank you very much, Ofelia.

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