"This is the end time now,
prophecies are being
fulfilled as foreseen
in the Revelations."
Derek Lovelock

[Tape begins abruptly.]

Derek: I am Derek Lovelock.

Steve: And where are you from, Derek?

Derek: I'm from England.

Steve: What brings you here?

Derek: Well, I heard there was a man that can open the Book and reveal the Seven Seals.

Steve: The Book meaning the Bible?

Derek: The Bible, yes.

Steve: Have you been disappointed?

Derek: No.

Steve: Have you done any other study of other denominations or religions in the world?

Derek: I was a Seventh-Day Adventist for seven years.

Steve: What were you before that?

Derek: That was the only religion I've been in.

Steve: Okay. Do you want to leave here?

Derek: No, I don't want to leave here. I feel quite safe here. I don't want to leave.

Steve: Okay, is someone holding you here against your will?

Derek: No, nobody is holding me against my will.

Steve: Okay, also it's been mentioned that there's a number that would like to leave here, or ... would you like to see this resolved peaceably?

Derek: Yes, I would.

Steve: And so your hope, still, is that it will be.

Derek: Yes, that is my hope.

Steve: Have you found that to be the tenor and the attitude of those people that are here?

Derek: Yes.

Steve: Okay, we have not brought that issue up, so we should bring it up now. Is there anything else you might want to say to family or friends or anything?

Derek: I'd like to say hello to my family back in England, not to worry and ... that this is the end time now, prophecies are being fulfilled as foreseen in the Revelations.

Steve: Okay, thank you.

Derek: Thank you.

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