"I want to say to
the children, I
love you all, and
we miss you."
Forcita Rivera Sonobe

Steve: Okay, Cita? I gave your name, of course--that is your name, I would believe ...

Florcita: Yes. I'm really Florcita Rivera Zenobi.

Steve: Okay, and where are you from originally?

Florcita: I'm originally from the Philippines, but I came to the United States in 1966, '68.

Steve: And your home, most recently, was ...

Florcita: My home most recently is from Hawaii, Oahu.

Steve: Okay. So what brings you to Waco, Texas?

Florcita: I didn't come for the truth. I didn't know anything about it. I came with my husband, and I always sat in the back for two or three years. And as I sat listening to it, it got my ear ringing.

Steve: It did. So you didn't even come here then wanting to know the Bible, or interested in God, or anything to do with something religious, then.

Florcita: No, never.

Steve: Okay, but what about now? Is anyone holding you here against your will, do you want to leave, what is your ...

Florcita: Nobody's holding me here or anyone.

Steve: So you're here by choice, still? You don't want to leave, then?

Florcita: No, but I want my kids back here. What I saw in that film, I wasn't very happy about it.

Steve: So you weren't, either. I would imagine it's gonna be the same thing that we've been hearing, about the response to the children ...

Florcita: Yes, they haven't been directed, from what I saw on the film, they haven't been supervised or anything. I really appreciated that they made the effort to take their pictures and video them, but what I saw, I was more upset than before.

Steve: Have you learned anything from the Bible about how parents and children should be, the relationship, and does it seem to work?

Florcita: It worked with my kids. There are times I'm glad for it. They're beautiful kids, all of them.

Steve: In fact, for those who are listening, whoever have children, we've learned from the book, especially the Book of Proverbs in the Bible, how one should be with their children, and how there should be a consistency, a constant love and caring shown to the child. One should never hit or use the hand on the child. It should always be for hugging and loving, and one should always stay with that program so the child learns and knows what to expect. Is that true?

Florcita: Yes.

Steve: Is there anything else you might want to add or say to family, friends or anybody else?

Florcita: I want to say to the children, I love you all, and we miss you. Remember what we taught you, and how you guys eat, your eating habits and everything ...

Steve: Okay, anything else?

Florcita: No.

Steve: Okay. Thank you, Cita. Do you have something to say to your children?

Florcita: Angelita, Crystal, I love you very much, and the rest of you, Jeanetta, Natalie, you're the oldest in that group. Behave, and take care of those kids. Okay? I love you all.

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