"Don't worry about
me, we're gonna be
just fine, because
God's in control."
Scott Sonobe

Scott: I'm Scott Zenobi, and I'm not being held here against my will. I want my father, Ken Zenobi in Honolulu, to get my kids, and if you're watching, I want you to have my two daughters, Angelica and Crystal Zenobi.

Steve: And do you have a phone number that you might want to give?

Scott: Okay, it's XXX-XXX-XXXX. [Phone number withheld to protect the individual's privacy.]

Steve: Anything else you might want to say?

Scott: Don't worry about me, we're gonna be just fine, because God's in control.

Steve: Okay, thank you Scott.

Scott: Thank you.

[Break in tape; continues with Scott, but with Steve talking, abruptly.]

Steve: ... comments here, because we're running out of time here. This is only an hour tape. This is Steve Schneider that has been filming, by the way, as has probably been quite obvious. The comment is that there are a lot of people that did want to talk. If I had known that, I would have used a longer tape, so that we might pick up on this a little later. Many of the men here have not obviously come to the camera and spoken. There are still a number of others. But the overall tenor and attitude here is that people do not want to leave, no one is being held against their will. So we might get into some other subject matters here in another day or two. So we'll be in touch, and we thank you for your patience, and we're trying to work this out with you, and we'll do the best we can, but remember, the God of David Koresh said wait, and that's basically what we're doing. Not to be against or defend anyone else or to slow down any process, but we do believe in a living God as Revelations 7 shows. Thank you, and we will pass this on to you.

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