"When you see these
things on television,
you can walk away
from it."
Margarita Vaega

Steve: And what is your name?

Margarita: My name is Margarita.

Steve: Marjorie, where are you from?

Margarita: London, England.

Steve: And what brings you to Waco, Texas, of all places? Surely you didn't read about this is some kind of a nice travel brochure.

Margarita: No. I didn't. I've been [inaudible] all my life, and I met someone who had been to America, who had met someone who was able to reveal Revelations, and put passages together from different parts of the Bible. I was interested. I was told to come and see, which I did, I came over to America. And when I was shown passages in the Bible ... [inaudible] ... no one in the churches or these church leaders were able to answer my questions about things I wanted to know. Coming over here, things were brought to my attention, I could see things more clearly. It was a shock at first for someone to show you something which you've been looking for all your life, but then again it was also nice to know that you've found someone who could reveal these things.

Steve: Okay, it sounds kind of strange, I'm sure, to most people to even hear something like that. So what have you thought of the events of recently, some of the things that have been taking place like a week ago, Sunday, for instance. Do you have a reaction to that and a response to that also, a relation to that? Do you want to make a statement about leaving or staying? Do you want to leave?

Margarita: No, I'm here of my own free will.

Steve: So are we holding you? Am I, or David, or anyone else holding you?

Margarita: No, no, no. No one is holding me here. It is my choice to be here. I decided to be here. I want to be here.

Steve: We realize also that man has made boundary lines all over this globe, called an earth, and has divided it up. But we believe, according to Psalms 50, don't we, that God owns all things?

Margarita: That's true.

Steve: Okay, so again, do you want to be here, then, and you're here of your own free will. Do you want to add anything to that, Marge?

Margarita: Well, the incident which happened last week Sunday was a shock. And when you see these things on the television, you can walk away from it. But when you're actually upon the scene when an incident has happened, it's frightening to know one minute you're looking out of the window seeing three helicopters, and the next minute you hear firing and you're on the floor with bullet shells flying all over your head. It's frightening. And also having tanks around the building, which I don't think is necessary.

Steve: Okay. If this was to go back to Britain, this tape or any parts of it, or to the press, is there anything else you might want to add or say?

[Cut in the tape. Continues with Margarita.]

Margarita: ... to my family, my friends, and my old friends and my new friends ... [inaudible] ... I'm fine, as you can see, I'm here of my own free will, I am happy with the people who I am with ... What I'd like to say about the press is, some of the things that they are hearing are not the truth. And I hope, with this video being made, that things that are about to happen that people see and know the truth.

Steve: Okay, did you want to add anything else? Or is that about it? Okay, thank you, Marge.

Margarita: Thank you.

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