The Importance of Jane Graham

by Michael A. O'Camb

Anyone who saw the televised coverage of the bombed-out Murrah
Building didn't need to be a rocket scientist to realize that the tremendous
destruction done didn't come from a single bomb in a vehicle `outside'
the building. But, rather, it should have been obvious to any
fourteen-year-old boy of average intelligence that the Murrah Building
was literally "dropped" by blowing several of the reinforced concrete
supporting columns and part of the massive reinforced concrete header
supporting the building out from under it. This occurred as Gen. Partin
said, "at critical structural points at the third floor level." Did
the bombers plant explosives in other parts of the building as well?

Eyewitness accounts `before' the bombing strongly suggest that
demolition charges were placed elsewhere. On the Friday before the bombing several
persons at the Murrah building saw three men (they took for maintenance
or utility workers) "working" in a reserved area of the underground parking
structure. These men had what appeared to be a set of plans or "blue
prints," telephone wire and a large block of "clay." When the three men
noticed they were being observed by one of the employees, JANE GRAHAM, a
federal government employee of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (H.U.D), situated in the Murrah building, they themselves
began to act somewhat suspiciously.

And this is where we get into the importance of Jane Graham. It
was nearly a year later, while watching a video about the bombing at a
friends' house, Jane was taken aback by two men in the video she'd seen on the
afternoon before the bombing and `the very morning of the bombing' inside
the Murrah Federal Building each wearing the blue uniform (shirt and
pants) of General Services Administration (G.S.A.) employees. Jane had never
seen these two men before or after this two day period, and at the time, had
thought it strange that two of the regular G.S.A. employees would have
been off on the same day, replaced by two temporaries.

After viewing the video, she began to re-think several incidences
she had heard or seen in the two weeks leading up to the morning of the bombing
that at the time they occurred didn't seem all that unusual. But, as she
began to put them in order, a definite pattern of importance began to
emerge. The first incident was a conversation between two women she'd
overheard in a coffee shop/snack bar in the Murrah Building about two
weeks before the bombing. In this conversation one woman told another that a
friend of her's in the F.B.I. had mentioned there was going to be a
bombing. Concerned because Jane thought the woman was talking about the
F.B.I. building, and she had a relative working nearby, she told her
husband that evening what she'd overheard. Then the three utility
workers in the underground parking structure she and others had seen "working"
the Friday before the bombing, now began to appear much more significant to
her than they had at the time she'd seen them.

The thing that really bothered her were these two men - the two
she'd seen the previous afternoon and the morning of the bombing - "working" inside
the Murrah Building wearing their blue G.S.A. uniforms. The video Jane
was watching had been shot shortly after the bombing and here they were
outside the building `in street clothes' accidentally caught on videotape! Why
had they changed? The last time she distinctly remembered seeing them it was
8:15 A.M. on April 19th (approximately forty-seven minutes before the
bombing). They had just exited a stairwell that comes directly from the
ninth floor down to the hallway they now briskly passed her in. As she
turned to watch them they continued down the hallway and exited the
building at a fast pace. Jane remembers that one of them was carrying
something in in his hand but she doesn't remember what it was.

It should be noted that neither of these individuals were any one
of the three men that she and others had seen "working" in the underground
parking structure on the previous Friday. These were two different individuals
from the three. Jane had told the F.B.I. about the two men in the G.S.A.
uniforms and when she was asked by an agent was either of them Timothy
McVeigh or Terry [Nichols], and she told them "No," the F.B.I. wasn't
really interested in talking to her further.

The question now becomes: Who is Jane Graham and is she a
credible witness? Jane and her family moved from Boston to Oklahoma in 1984. She
is a wife, mother and grandmother. After moving to Oklahoma, Jane went
to work for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) [in
Murrah building], where she had been employed for 10 years. Active in
union affairs for much of her life, at the time of the bombing, Jane was
(and still is) president of the American Federation of Government
Employees (A.F.G.E.) Union Local Number 3138, in Oklahoma City. In short, Jane
Graham is a very credible witness and deserves to be heard.

What Jane Graham felt, heard and experienced, during the bombing
also debunks the single bomb nonsense as well. At the time of the bombing,
Jane and others were attending a "Windows" software workshop on the ninth
floor of the building. As she sat down in the chair and turned on a computer,
Jane remembers that the entire building began to shake. Her first
thought was that she'd done something wrong with the computer. She remembers the
floor"rolling" from east to west. After the shaking began, the women in
charge of the computer workshop exclaimed that it must be an earthquake
and for everyone to get under their desks.

Jane remembers that at this point she just sat there frozen and
stunned for a few seconds. Then she recalls, seconds
later...hearing a very large explosion and feeling it coming "up" toward
them on the ninth floor from below, within the building. The last thing
she remembers before she was knocked unconscious by debris was part of
the roof hanging over and seeing blue sky. Her estimation of a 7-9 second
interval between explosions is very close to the 10-second interval
recorded by the Oklahoma Geological Survey seismograph at Norman, and
should be taken very seriously. The initial shaking of the building was
probably caused by the series of explosive charges placed at critical
structural areas (such as those General Partin has spoken of) beginning
to collapse much of the east end of the building.

What Jane Graham and others experienced during the bombing lends
powerful credence to the multiple-bomb analysis of General Partin. Retired F.B.I.
bureau chief Ted L. Gunderson and many others also believe there was more
than one bomb. Yet the multiple-bomb theory in both trials wasn't even
brought up, and when Stephen Jones [McVeigh's attorney] tried to
introduce the possibility of a much larger bombing conspiracy, it was barred by the

With the hasty passage by congress of the anti- and
counter-terrorism legislation, which would have otherwise gone nowhere, many equate what happened in Oklahoma City with Hitler's burning of the Reichstag in 1933.
With much of the evidence being what it is who can legitimately argue
against this point?

Jane Graham is a courageous lady for coming forward. And other
bombing survivors will do the same. This is where each of you who reads this
article can help. Jane Graham has given an extensive videotaped
interview of what I have written about here. The interview is in a new video
titled "Oklahoma Atrocity." Get a copy and show it to your family and friends.
with Congress still refusing to act, it will only be in this way, with
many of you helping that the real truth of this terrible atrocity will see the
light of day. With thousands or tens of thousands of American's working
together--one of the greatest cover-ups of the century can be broken and
the truth presented to a jury in Oklahoma City.

I cannot emphasize to you, the reader, strongly enough how
important the following information is, and how critical it is for as many of you as
possible to act on it. A concerted effort (which this article is a part
of) is currently underway in various parts of the country to get Jane
Graham's videotaped testimony to as many of the bombing survivors and
county and city officials as possible in Oklahoma City. A county grand
jury was impanelled last [summer], in Oklahoma City, and is currently
looking into the bombing.


DELTA - On April 19, 1995, at approximately 9:02 A.M. (local
time) a series of explosions devastated the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in
downtown Oklahoma City in what was by far the deadliest terrorist bombing
in U.S. history. Since then, Timothy McVeigh has been convicted on all
counts against him in the bombing and sentenced to death. His alleged
accomplice in this horrific act, Terry Nichols, has been convicted of
conspiracy and awaits sentencing.

Among the various charges; both men were accused of making and
delivering a single 4800 lb. ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO) bomb to the front
of the Murrah Building in a Ryder truck, which caused the terrible
destruction and carnage, the aftermath of which was later witnessed by tens of
millions on network television.

During both trials, the prosecution maintained that the
devastation to the building and the tremendous injury and loss of life to those inside was
caused solely by this single truck bomb. However, other things which
occurred in the two weeks leading up to the bombing, as well as other
events seen and recorded that morning, completely contradict this single
truck-bomb theory.

To begin with, the seismic equipment at the Oklahoma Geological
Survey at the University of Oklahoma at Norman, more than twenty miles away,
registered "two" distinct ground motions some ten seconds apart at 9:02
A.M. on the morning of April 19th. And the seismometer at the Omniplex
Science Museum much closer to the federal building, registered what many
experts believe were as many as "six separate air blasts and shock
waves," in rapid succession at the same time! Yet the government and the
major-media have steadfastly reported only a single explosion!

And some of the most preeminent explosives' experts on the face
of the earth have been totally ignored so far. One of these experts is Benton
K. Partin, brigadier General U.S.A.F. (Retired), who did extensive analysis
and study of the "pattern of damage" to the Murrah Building, and
concluded that it "could not" have been caused solely by a truck bomb, parked
outside the building, regardless of how much explosives it contained! Because
the "asymmetrical" damage pattern to the building was not consistent with a
single point of detonation.

Who is Benton K. Partin, and what qualifications does he possess
to make such critical analysis? To begin with, General Partin could rightfully
be called the "expert's expert," when it comes to high-explosives and
bomb-damage analysis for the following reasons: In addition to spending
31 years active duty in the U.S. Air Force, 25 of those years were spent in
research, design, development, test and management, of nearly every
non-nuclear weapons-device in the Air Force. This included "hands-on
work" at the Ballistic Research Laboratories, and Commander of the Air Force
Armament Technology Laboratory. His military and professional
accomplishments would literally take two or three more paragraphs to list
(including: Air Force Systems command, Air Staff and the Office of the
Secretary of Defense (OSD).

He has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, an M.S. in Aeronautical
Engineering and is a Ph.D. Candidate (academics completed) in Operations Research &
Statistics. So, when one refers to General Partin as the expert's
expert, concerning high-explosives and bomb-damage analysis, it is done so for a
very good reason. After extensive analysis of hundreds of photographs
and much videotaped footage, he released an extensive forensic report on July
30, 1995, entitled: Bomb Damage Analysis Of Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It is an incredibly detailed
scientific analysis and includes five color photographs (or Tabs). Preceding his
analysis, he has a two-page "info copy" of a letter of the same date
(July 30, 1995), which he sent to U.S. Senator Trent Lott of the Senate
Intelligence Committee. In addition to Senator Lott's letter, General
Partin sent "info copies" of this letter to all 535 members of Congress!
Due to space limitations here, I will now quote just the first paragraph
of this most important letter:

"The attached report contains conclusive proof that the bombing of the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was not
caused solely by the truck bomb. Evidence shows that the massive destruction
was primarily the result of four explosive charges placed at critical
structural points at the third floor level."

A man of General Partin's military and educational background
most certainly doesn't use such terms as "conclusive proof" and "evidence
shows" lightly, especially when writing about high-explosives and bomb analysis.
As truly incredible as it is, he has been ignored by most of our
"representatives," both Democrats and Republicans in Congress!! And the
media has continued to tell the American people it was all the result of
a single ANFO bomb in the back of a Ryder truck.

General Partin has done extensive investigation and analysis into
the World Trade Center bombing, the missile shoot-down of TWA FLIGHT 800, and
several other cover-ups in recent years. Each of these, including the
Oklahoma City bombing, are available on a 2 1/2 hour video for $29.00
(including shipping). General Partin's, published analysis which I have
written about here is only $10.00. Write to: Benton K. Partin, 8908
Captains Row, Alexandria, Virginia 22308.

And the video "Oklahoma Atrocity," with Jane Graham's recorded
deposition, is available for $13.00 from Harvestor Tapes, 11668 #244 Gateway Blvd,
Los Angeles, California 90064.

The profits from the tapes put out by Harvester will go to provide more
tapes which will be hand-carried to those in Oklahoma City. That is why
Harvester Tapes is making this special offer to you. For only $25.00
(plus sh&h), you will be sent the video "Reichstag '95" featuring retired
F.B.I. bureau chief Ted L. Gunderson and Anthony J. Hilder, discussing the
Oklahoma City bombing and "Oklahoma Atrocity" (Jane Graham's recorded
testimony). Your purchase of these tapes will help finance the Oklahoma
city project. Harvester tapes: (310) 288-6656

This reporter talked to Mrs. Jane Graham this morning. The following are
her statements: Congressman James A. Traficant Jr., Chairman--Committee
Science, Transportation and Infrastructure, will meet Mrs. Graham when
the Committee meets. She will giver her testimony at that time. She does
not know when this event will take place. She has not been called to testify
to the Oklahoma City County Grand Jury. Representative Charles Key did
confirm that Mrs. Graham is on the list of witnesses to testify for the
Grand Jury. Furthermore, Mrs. Graham has written to the Foreman of the
Grand Jury, in care of District Attorney, Bob Macy, stating that she has
important data to impart. Mr. Macy's office wrote back stating that the
letter from the Foreman showed no interest in her testimony at this time,
and that those concerned would get back to her "if" they become

